Recommendations of Social Aid Foundations, Provide the Best Education for the Children of the Nation

Are you looking for a social assistance foundation? This time we will discuss the right solution so that you can choose the right Foundation according to your needs. Let’s look at the recommendations so that more children of the nation can get an education.

How to Choose a Trusted Social Foundation

If you want to help underprivileged children and want to continue their education. So, you can register them with an educational foundation that can finance their education. You can apply for educational assistance.

Things you need to pay attention to so that you can choose a trusted foundation and don’t take advantage of other people’s weaknesses, as follows:


You should pay attention to the experience the Foundation has. In a sense, the Foundation does not have a bad record when it comes to helping other children’s education. You should pay attention to this to make sure you have left the child in the right hands.

Make sure that the Foundation does not use children just to increase popularity. This is important for the development of children who receive assistance so that they are not tied to the Foundation. You can ask for data on recipients of social assistance that they have done.

Reasonable Requirements

You need to make sure that the requested requirements are reasonable. There are no unreasonable agreements that lead to the use of children. You must pay attention to this so that it can help save the future of the nation’s children.

In addition, try to choose a foundation that does not bind the interests and talents of children. Not managing the child’s dreams in accordance with the wishes of the Foundation. However, with open arms direct and support the child in order to achieve it.

Providing Training and Learning

If necessary, you can choose a social assistance foundation that provides training and learning for beneficiaries. This will be very good so that it can be used as a provision in living life.

In essence, choose a Foundation that provides assistance without binding the beneficiary to become what the Foundation wants it to be. You can choose a Foundation that provides assistance with open arms to anyone who needs help with education.

Trusted Education Foundation Recommendations

There are various social foundations that you can choose from to get educational assistance, as follows:


This foundation focuses on providing assistance for food and school needs from underprivileged families. The Jakarta Archdiocese’s Daya Dharma Foundation provides assistance in the form of e-vouchers for food needs and educational scholarships for children.

Putra Sampoerna Foundation

Furthermore, you can apply for educational assistance at the Putra Sampoerna Foundation. This foundation is oriented towards education to create entrepreneurs and become great leaders. There are various trainings and seminars that can be attended.

Goodwill International Foundation

You can also check the social assistance available at the Goodwill International Foundation. This foundation provides assistance for students and college students who are currently studying. The costs covered are living expenses to university needs.

You can try to find information about Foundations that provide educational assistance. This will be very helpful for those of you who have the desire to continue their education with trusted educational scholarships.

That’s the discussion about recommendations for social assistance foundations in the field of education that you need to know. Hope it helps to gather information on the best educational foundations. Hope you can find the right Foundation.

How Foundations Get Funds

The ways in which foundations get funding generally vary. Some seek funds from the community directly and some even seek funds from government assistance.

In particular, the way the foundation obtains funds from the government is in the form of grants or free financial assistance. They only need to make an accountability report for the use of the funds they have received which are usually transferred directly to the account of the foundation in question.

The way in which foundations get funding from the government in general is sometimes problematic. Sometimes the actual funds are intended to be channeled to the people who are entitled to receive them but do not arrive and are even misused to enrich their members.

This is of course very sad. Because of the way foundations get these funds from the government, practices that are detrimental to the state emerge.

History has recorded the existence of suspicions that the foundation’s relationship with government officials or members of the council made grant funds flow smoothly. Because the allegation is also a grant from the Government such as the DKI Jakarta Province for a non-profit foundation, so it is a hot rumor and raises problems.

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Basically the way foundations get funding from the government is already regulated by law. The state can provide funds for foundations if the foundation has a work program and carries out activities that support the Central Government and/or Regional Government programs, which are in the form of:

  • money; and/or
  • services and/or other forms can be viewed with money, by way of grants or perhaps in other ways.

State contributions are given on the basis of a registered request by the foundation management to;

  • the minister or the head of a non-departmental government agency whose scope of work and responsibilities are related to the activities of the foundation; or
  • governor, regent, or mayor at the foundation’s position and/or at the place where the foundation carries out its activities.

The request is accompanied by the following documents:

  • photocopy of the minister’s decision regarding the legal entity status of the foundation;
  • photocopy of the minister’s decision regarding the agreement on the transfer of the foundation’s basic budget, acceptance letter of the statement of transition of the foundation’s basic budget, and/or acceptance letter of the statement of transfer of foundation data, if any;
  • photocopy of additional State Information of the Republic of Indonesia containing the foundation’s basic budget;
  • information regarding the complete name and address of the board of directors of the foundation;
    photocopy of the foundation’s balance sheet for the last 2 consecutive years according to the law;
  • information regarding the foundation’s work program that is and will be carried out; and
  • recorded acknowledgment from the technical institution in charge of the activities of the foundation.

Foundations that receive state contributions must prepare and submit an annual foundation report once a year (at the end of the financial year) to the minister or head of a non-departmental government agency, governor, regent, or mayor who made the contribution. The annual report includes activity reports and balance sheets.

In addition, a summary of the foundation’s annual report is published on the information board at the foundation’s office.[6] For foundations that receive state contributions of IDR 500 million or more, they must publish a summary of the financial balance for one fiscal year to the Indonesian language daily mass media.

The financial balance must be audited by a public accountant and the results of the audit reported to the supervisor of the foundation and a copy to the relevant ministers and institutions.

It should be noted that state contributions can only be used by the foundation according to the goals and purposes and activities of the foundation based on the basic budget and in accordance with the foundation’s work program.

State contributions are prohibited from being directed or shared directly or possibly indirectly to supervisors, administrators, and supervisors, or other factions.

So in conclusion, the way foundations get funds is through direct assistance from the government and also through the community which can be directly or indirectly.